KLH Engineers Inc. is proud to recognize our own Kevin D. Hoffman for being presented with the PWEA Ted Haseltine Award for 2021.
The esteemed award is named after a highly respected wastewater facilities designer and is annually presented to a PWEA member who has made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in Pennsylvania’s water quality management field through design or operational work with the wastewater treatment processes.
Kevin has worked for KLH for 24 years and prior to that was an intern during his college years where he earned Bachelors and Masers degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Kevin currently holds the position of Director of Engineering and Quality Control and specializes in water and wastewater planning and design. Several spotlight projects Kevin lists on his resume includes:
- Design of the the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control WWTP Improvement Project
- Design of the McCandless Township Sanitary Authority WWTP Expansion
- Design of the North Huntingdon Township Municipal Authority WWTP Expansion
- Design of the Municipal Authority of the City of McKeesport Collection and Systems Improvement Project
- Design of the Economy Borough Municipal Authority WWTP
- Design and Construction Management for the Washington East-Washington Joint Authority Phase II WWTP Improvements
- Design of over 25 water and wastewater pump stations
- Headworks Loading Analysis and Local Limit Determination for numerous KLH wastewater clients.
Kevin has also been an active member of the Western Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Association and a member of Pennsylvania Water Environment Association, Water Environment Federation and Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association since 1998. In that time, he has served as WPWPCA President as well as other positions on the WPWPCA Executive Board, and numerous committees.
Kevin stated that he is very proud to join the list of past Ted HaseltineAward winners including two of his mentors, the late George Keith and Terry Soster, both past KLH Presidents. He also extended his gratitude to his father Russell and Gino Rizzi for imparting so much of their design knowledge on to him.
Congratulations Kevin on this prestigious award.