KLH Engineers, Inc. services numerous Municipal and Water/Wastewater clients in Western PA. Recently KLH has rolled out a new team of engineers to provide system automation services to our clients, mainly pertaining to SCADA Systems (Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition). This new service is to provide the automation as required to control and monitor these systems.
Recently, Ambridge Water Authority sustained a water break at the Water Treatment plant that required emergency services to help recover the SCADA system, including control panels and instruments in the affected areas within the plant that were under water. KLH Engineers received a call to provide service to recover this system. KLH Engineers deployed the entire SCADA team and was able to dry out equipment, along with finding replacement parts as required to recover the system. The Water Treatment Plant SCADA system was functional within 10 Hours from deployment of the KLH SCADA team.
Other critical repairs were in progress and KLH Engineers was able to stay ahead of these repairs to ensure the SCADA system readiness.