Municipal Services
KLH Engineers provides municipal engineering services to numerous Townships and Boroughs in the Southwestern Pennsylvania region. Our services include detailed engineering of storm sewers, retaining walls, roadway paving, and other infrastructure projects.
An up-to-date Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance in harmony with the Municipal Zoning Ordinance is paramount to sustainable development within the community. Our firm works closely with the community to develop a clear, precise, current, and enforceable ordinance, rules, regulations, and procedures. Our staff engineers and resident observers are fully trained to monitor the construction phase of any project to assure compliance with plans, specifications, permits, and standards expected.
Code Enforcement and Zoning
Our code enforcement and zoning services are uniquely designed to meet the needs of your Municipality. These services are fully customizable, allowing us to attend to your specific needs by offering complete code enforcement and zoning services packages or the option of choosing individual services to satisfy your demand. We beleive in producing results in a productive and efficient manner with the utmost convert for our clients and their residents. We maintain convenient office hours, are readily available to assist our clients’ needs, and provide downloadable application to aid in the permitting process. Our code enforcement and zoning services include:
- Zoning Reviews and Permits
- Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement
Permits and Guides
Land Surveying Services
KLH Engineers maintains on-staff, full-time survey crews to meet project schedules. Our crews are fully equipped with the latest in surveying and data-collection technology. In addition to conventional surveying equipment, we also have an in-house, survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment to facilitate efficient and accurate data collection for aerial mapping control surveys, facilities, system mapping projects and to supplement conventional survey techniques.
MS4 Program
KLH Engineers has made a natural transition into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or the PA DEP MS4 Program. Our highly trained staff will provide the necessary field surveys, stormwater outfall monitoring, field sample procurement and testing, reporting and PA DEP permitting necessary to procure, maintain and comply with all the requirements specified under the Clean Water Act and PA Clean Streams Law. Many communities in Southwestern Pennsylvania have previously been granted a waiver or exemption in the past. With recent changes to the MS4 program, more municipalities are required to obtain MS4 permits. Factors to consider are:
- Public outreach and education
- Public participation and involvement
- Illicit discharge detection and elimination
- Construction site runoff and control
- Post construction stormwater management
- Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for private and municipal operations and maintenance
- Pollution Reduction Plans – PRP Plans
- Total Maximum Daily Loads Plan – TMDL Plan
Roadway Engineering
KLH Engineers has worked to expand its municipal engineering services to include roadway engineering. These new services include all aspects of road construction projects, from planning and proposal to financing and inspection. With our expertise and experience, we can provide solutions for even the most complex roadway rehabilitation projects. We utilize industry-standard construction and design practices in accordance with PennDOT and AASHTO standards to develop a solution for all your roads.
Geographical Information System (GIS)
KLH uses GIS in wide applications in municipal engineering. Our GIS displays different types of information using different layers in a map. A layer can only represent one type of feature, such as streams, lakes, highways, or political boundaries. Our GIS integrates various kinds of information with the map and manages them effectively.