Water Water

Water System Modeling and Planning

As the consulting engineers for many municipal water suppliers, KLH has undertaken numerous short- and long-term planning studies. These studies typically evaluate the current conditions of a water system, addressing:

  • Size and age of system components
  • Current and future customer profiles
  • Population projections
  • Commercial/industrial demands
  • Cost estimates
  • Financing considerations
  • User rate analyses
  • Proposed capital improvements

Many of these planning studies required the development of a hydraulic model of the distribution system, which was produced via Innovyze InfoWater, considered to be the leading hydraulic modeling software available.

Water Capital Improvements

Many of our clients use the planning studies to map future capital improvements. When a client decides to undertake the project(s) proposed in the study, we typically provide the detailed design services for the capital improvements. The types of projects for which we have performed detailed design, construction phase, and start-up services include:

  • Waterlines – 6” to 36” in diameter
  • Finished water standpipes, elevated tanks and ground storage
  • Booster stations – 100 gpm to 31,000 gpm
  • Raw water intakes and transmission mains
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems
  • Water treatment plant rehabilitation/expansion/retrofit
  • New water treatment plants
  • Well field development and maintenance
  • Pressure reducing vaults
  • Pump to pressure systems
  • Chemical feed systems (Disinfection, pH adjustments, coagulation)

Water Treatment Plants

KLH Engineers has experience with many different types of treatment processes, such as gravity and pressure systems, greensand filtration systems, zeolite softening systems, chlorination, and fluoridation. We have dealt extensively with disinfection and treatment of both surface water and well water, and performed studies to evaluate a range of disinfection alternatives:

  • Chlorine
  • Chloramines
  • Chlorine with dechlorination using Sulfur Dioxide
  • Ultraviolet disinfection
  • Sodium Hypochlorite (bulk purchase and onsite generation)
  • Ozone

Water Distribution Systems

KLH Engineers has prepared plans and specifications for and supervised the installation of water system extensions, replacements, and modifications for essentially all of our water utility clients. In total, we have designed over 1 million lineal feet of waterlines throughout our region.

Our engineers analyze the water distribution system, taking into account factors such as age of pipe, material, water quality, flow, pressure and fire protection flows. Should issues be identified, we help our clients establish a priority of work, and bring the benefit of our extensive modeling capabilities to the process. We are experienced in the use of PVC, HDPE and ductile iron for new waterlines, which present different advantages in terms of costs, ease, and speed of construction, tapping procedures, leak detection and restrained joint systems.

We are also familiar with all the laws and regulations regarding utilities, as well as the protocol for proper notification of these companies, regulatory bodies, customers, and other related stakeholders. We believe in maintaining good public relations with the community, conducting public meetings to inform residents of upcoming construction, traffic detours and possible loss of service. We listen to their concerns and try to minimize any inconvenience. Our firm also contacts fire and police departments and notifies schools to redirect bus routes, if necessary.